01 Nis The Economic Effects Of Coronavirus Covid-19 On The World
Very respected business people,
In this article of March 2020, we will try to emphasize the economic effects of “coronavirus covid 19″ on the world. If we want to explain the economic effect of this virus in one sentence, it will be:
It will cause of the acceleration of the process or operation started in 2001 with the acceptance of China as a member of the World Trade Organization.
Actually on this platform;
Only and only guiding investors who will invest in our country
and we share our reports that we prepared to convey to our state what we can observe from the problems faced by foreign investors in real markets.
Although we can say a lot on political issues on this platform, we do not plan to say it. Although we want to choose the same way in this article, we can sometimes go out of this discipline. We hope you will tolerate this by considering that the extraordinary events that have been taking place in recent days are too large to be seen only from a single window that will be viewed economically.
How we came to these days….
Some strategists we have been pursuing for 2 years in Turkey or from abroad, were writing that a new world order would be built, explicitly giving 2020 as the date.
For this, they voiced, wrote and drew the following claims;
* There will be a huge economic crisis and stagnation like The Great Depression experienced in 1929 in the world.
* A war will take place in the Eastern Mediterranean, focused on natural gas deposits off the coast of Cyprus.
* The world will be forced into the apocalypse with the war of the Middle East based Armageddon.
* The severity of the struggle between the families, who hold ninety percent of the world’s money, against the nationalists will increase, and as a result, we will witness large social, political and economic reckoning.
* As a worst case scenario, great physical destruction and the world population will be significantly reduced; after a war with nuclear, atomic bombs.
Based on the last item, the decision makers perhaps could not calculate the physical destruction of the atomic bomb or where the outcome of such a global war would be; (if we assume that the atomic bomb exists in a minimum of 10 countries in the world);
They may have fired “coronavirus covid 19” as the first bullet of biological warfare, as a form of war that will have the same effect as its results and will not destroy the infrastructure and superstructure of the world.
Yes, these are all assumptions… However, we have to express that the strategists we follow are hit one hundred percent on these cases.
They said that we will see many events that we have never seen in our lives in 2020. And we really started to live those days. And more interestingly, the same people continue to make it clear that the Corona virus is a beginning, not an end, and that we will face many important changes, at least similar to current shocks.
In these days, we work in our homes all over the world, due to The Coronavirus Epidemic. We are all facing such a situation for the first time, without an expection. A great fear and anxiety dominates the world… Already all the changes in the recent history have occurred after millions of people died, and those who remained had great fears, (If we get help from the boxing literature, after being dropped) such as World War I and World War II.
At first, president of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the world leaders, businessmen, economists, writers and intellectuals began to openly express that anything will be the same, anymore.
We wanted to share with you our predictions as NG NET GROUP, about the future of business life based on the common points of these views. Inshaallah we will be useful.
Here we go…
First of all, it is thought that the contract signed for the world for 100 years has expired and the US, the boss of this period, will now go bankrupt. USA as a nation from many countries of the world a gathering state made up of people gathered. This state was ruled by 10-15 richest families in the world, now everyone knows their names. These families moved their world headquarters to China. So if we make an analogy, the business subject of the business remained the same. It just changed the address and method. Unfortunately for us, the world will not find peace in this system, too. Because, managers and logic are the same.
Why is the address is changing?
- Nobody respects international institutions such as World Trade Organization, IMF, Human Rights Organizations, NATO, EU, United Nations any more. ,
- The West, has a very old population that has not productive, in the past 20 years. They lost technology and science, the biggest assurance they had, to The East. Despite this, they want a high share from each Project.
- China, which had two percent of the world trade volume in 1990, now has 16 percent. Along with Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, which we call other Asian countries, the rate, which is 50 percent now, continues to increase day by day. A young, working, producing, hungry and unquestioned population is an important factor,
- As a result, the 100-year-old theater curtain based on many lies must be closed.
Because; the values of The West, such as the developed civilization, democracy, freedom, justice, equality and human rights have been emptied. No longer believable to anyone. A new world, new discourses and a new 100-year-old theater curtain opening up.
The name of the new game; Digital life ..
What does the new generation just want? Comfort! Shopping was already on the market as the first version of e-commerce. Schools, business life, doctor examinations, museum visits, meetings, fairs, bureaucracy, the summits of head of states, and many issues that you may or may not have come to mind are available with one touch in this life.
There is no human values are needed such as religion, morality, righteousness, solidarity, patient visit, neighbor relations, in this life. A large part of the young population has already been prepared for this life over the years.
Conclusion that concerns business people; The economic center of the world has shifted from west to east.
Now, let’s start by choosing a country that we can live in this new world, saying that only our address is clear, since this will not be so important anymore. (one world religion, one world nation, one passport, one currency and one government are considered)
Let’s look at the map! First, close the western part of the map with your hand. Is there a possibility of war, political uncertainty, economic stagnation, poor health and hygienic environment, poor security and legal system in your country or close neighbors? Is there a possibility to use other sources of energy to replace oil? In return, you have family and money and are you looking for a peaceful country where no one will bother you? So where is it on the map? We say TURKEY. We Say ANATOLIA..
If you say another country, please write to us with its reasons, you will make a great contribution to the think tank that we are trying to do with you now.
We kept our answer of ‘’Why Turkey?’’ in the end of the article, with yor permission!
We have said the name of the New World; Digital Life
Values and discourses of the New World; NOTHING, There is no need. Everything at your disposal at the touch of a buton.
Currency; Under the assumption that US hegemony will end, the dollar cannot be… Chinese Yuan? NO! Digital Money…
Security; As long as you follow the order of the Bosses of the Digital World, don’t worry. You’re safe. Perhaps, your life safety will be protected even better than before with the latest technological tools.
Your assets, too. Maybe theft will be impossible thanks to the latest technology. Because, you will not have gold, dollars to be stolen in your home or Office, in the new world order.
You will only have one score in your account in digital environment. It is impossible to be stolen by hackers since it will be determined where it came from and where it will be transferred. Cannot be used as cash.
Business life; Can be managed from a mobile phone. Needless to say, what you can do now will increase dozens of times.
The definition of institutionalism is also changing. Fast reflexes and quick decisions against instant, daily, monthly changes and shocks, will be the only indication of how corporate and strong your company is, rather than many departments where hundreds of people work.
Result; In fact, everything will change and nothing will change in the world…
Capitalism will shift from west to east. Do not call, ‘’There is communism, there is socialism in China!’’ China even has adapted itself to rapid mutation trend. Bypassing capitalism from communism, it became the main actor of globalism.
A democratic general manager, who was accountable to his people, albeit a lie, gone. But worse; now we have an autocratic, never-minded general manager.
So, why Turkey?
- TURKEY; though its name, borders, and degree of influence have changed, it has remained in these lands for thousands of years. And, it has Anatolian lands and welcoming people who have embraced all people, wherever it comes from the world, for thousands of years.
- History is repetitive!
As the countries that will dominate in the east; China, Russia, Iran, and Turkey (especially because it has the Caliphate, effecting on the Arab World into the field) always came to the scene against;
After a situation similar to the weakening of the Roman Empire is happening in the USA and the EU; Britain and Germany will probably survive in the west to represent them.
- Unfortunately, with DIGITAL life, there will be the only place where human values, which will completely decrease in our world, will be alive, albeit a little.
- Having an indispensable geography in the middle of The New Silk Road, which is the project that the new general manager, China will distribute all its goods, to the world.
- Legal shareholding of Turkey in natural gas found in off the coast of Cyprus will become clear with the loss of power of the west. So, Turkey’s biggest economic problem will be solved.The energy problem.
- As we witnessed actually in this crisis, the most indispensable consumption of everyone under house arrest, has been food. Even more important than technology products. Nobody attacked electronic stores, attacked foodstuffs in the markets. Agriculture and livestock sectors for Turkey’s 85 million (will be over 100 million soon due to immigration) young and consumer population are hosting many opportunities. For this, necessary natural conditions and efficient large land, water resources are available.
As a different version of the above scenario, whatever the US administration did as a last resort in 1945, could do the same, with few atomic bombs, or any other method, that could defeat the global mind and strengthen national states under its own leadership. May miss capital in China, by taking over the world oil movement completely, it can turn the production advantage of China’s biggest advantage with its one and a half billion huge population power, into a disadvantage with a hungry population ready for social explosion.
In both scenarios, of course, such a great trauma to and from the world will leave behind a very stagnant and shrinking world economy. Move your capital to TURKEY, too; the only oasis on the earth that will turn into a large desert in the sense of human values, in this transition period that the markets will continue until they recover.
The founders of the new world order, must give a place to Turkey on the table, for the reason of bridging geographical advantage between East and West, for also being the only having a common religion, culture and language with the Arab world and Turkic Republics.
In Turkey, with NG NET GROUP;
Let us to get your residence permit, work permit and Turkish citizenship if you wish, too,
Let us to buy your workplace and home where you will spend your life,
Let us to set up your company, to prepare your human resources and sectoral market research, to find your reliable local partners, if you wish.
Turkey, surviving this period with minimal damage, will carry out production and export boom, at the stage of reconstruction of the destroyed countries physically and politically. Do not spend this stagnant period empty, We do not say come here! Give us attorney. Enjoy yourself with the possibilities of digital business life. We shall start preparations for you!
30 years of clean history and experience since 1990,
An unrivaled cultural infrastructure formed as a result of working with our customers in the Middle East, gulf Countries and North Africa with a separate company structure that has been serving foreigners for the last 15 years,
50 co-workers in total, and sectoral consultants, half of whom are foreign friends, with 3 offices across Istanbul, within an easy reach of anywhere in Istanbul.
Legal, financial consultancy, accounting, auditing and investment consultancy departments that can serve in different languages, especially Turkish, Arabic, English…
We offer “single table” service with a common perspective on law, tax and profitability of investment for the problems that your company faces in daily routine.
Your view of a new investment project presented to you is positive, but you have questions about the country’s special conditions and laws. And you want to be sure. You will like our package service called “2nd Opinion” which is unique to us.
Establishment of foundation and association, special departments focused on a specific subject, such as the foundation and association department that provides monthly legal and accounting services.
Having partners who turn the disadvantage of the big differences arising from the informal economy between the theoretical internet knowledge and the real knowledge of the market with 50 years of Istanbul residence history, 30 years of speed of accessing correct information as a result of the services provided to many different sectors,
Strong references from foreign companies, consulates, foundations and associations in Turkey.
We say have TRUST, DISCIPLINE and SPEED in our services.
Founder & General Manager
P.S. We, as a company, observe that most business people do not like long reports.
For this reason, we have presented this brief report on this subject in a more real, concrete and as an executive summary.
However, we will provide you more systematic, figures and graphics, more theoretical and ofcourse longer reports through our site.
We are sending the report to you reached us regarding this issue, as an example, prepared by MÜSİAD, that we are a member. (Turkey’s biggest businessmen association)
The Economic Effects Of Coronavirus Covid-19 On The World